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Feel Good Ink® is card-giving, revolutionised.
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The perfect Christmas eCard for your mum, wife or friend that shows you understand the way to her heart with champagne, massages and sleep-ins. This online card may not be able to tick everything off her wish list, but it’s sure to bring a smile to her face—and why not pair it with an online gift card or prepaid Mastercard they can put towards #2 on the list!
A digital Christmas card with a green background and a green Christmas tree made out of banners with a gold star. The card reads: ‘ON THE 12TH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME: 1 SUMMER HOLIDAY. 2 FULL BODY MASSAGES. 3 BOTTLES OF CHAMPAGNE. 4 DAYS OFF HOUSEWORK. 5 EXTRA LONG SLEEP-IIIIIINS .THIS CAROL SOUNDS JUST LIKE MY WISH LIST. INTERESTING.’